UHDTV technology, also known as 4K ( for 4,000-pixel horizontal resolution), promises to display four times the number of picture elements as current high-definition TVs. 超高清技术又称4K(4000像素的水平方向解析度),此类电视的像素是高清电视的四倍。
Experiment of the Influence of PRECIS Horizontal Resolution on Climate Simulation Sensitivity in Ningxia PRECIS水平分辨率对宁夏气候模拟影响的试验
As an important dimension parameter DEM grid resolution ( horizontal resolution) plays a key role in determination of terrain parameters and application of scale. DEM水平分辨率作为重要的尺度参数,是确定地形参数和应用尺度的重要指标。
With Huygens-Fresnel belt, the authors have analyzed the horizontal resolution ratio, and pointed out the technological crux of such a method. 用惠更斯菲涅尔带分析了水平分辨率,最后说明该种方法的技术关键。
The main results are as follows: ( 1) the distance a sounding balloon drifts during operation is a lot longer than that is accepted as a horizontal resolution by present numerical models; 结果表明:探空气球在施放过程中的漂移距离远远超过目前数值模式可取的水平分辨率;
Vertical resolution of reflection seismic record is better to horizontal resolution as opposed to other geophysical methods. 相对于其它地球物理方法而言,地震反射方法的纵向分辨率较高,横向分辨率较低。
At present, study on the resolution along any spatial direction is very little besides the vertical and horizontal resolution by the limit of the calculation method. 受分辨力估算方法的局限性,除垂直分辨力和水平分辨力外,目前对于空间任意空间方向分辨力变化的研究很少。
Numerical simulation of currents of the western North Tropical Pacific Ocean have been carried out by using a barotropic primitive equation model with finer horizontal resolution. 用一个水平分辨率比较高的非线性正压模式,对热带西太平洋海域里的海流进行了数值模拟。
The convection parameterization schemes are sensitive to horizontal resolution. 对流参数化方案对网格格距的大小比较敏感;
Effect of Horizontal Resolution on the Watershed Features Derived from DEM 水平分辨率对DEM流域特征提取的影响
Analysis of Scale and Horizontal Resolution of Raster DEM on Extracted Drainage Basin in Characteristics 栅格DEM的尺度与水平分辨率对流域特征提取的分析&以黄土岭流域为例
Effects of the horizontal resolution on the forecast quality Sn a numerical model with topography 有地形数值模式中水平分辨率对预报质量的影响
A horizontal resolution, and a semi-implicit and semi-Lagrangian integration scheme were used in this unified NWP model. 网格距离的可变性,以及采用半隐式-半拉格朗日式时间差分方案是该模式的主要特点。
Improvement of horizontal resolution in digital radiography system 数字辐射扫描成像系统水平分辨率的提高
Real data example shows that this method can improve horizontal resolution of imaging sections and get better images for steep formations and small faults. 实际应用表明,用本方法进行三维叠前深度偏移时,深度偏移剖面对横向分辨率有所提高,对陡地层和小断层的成像效果有所改善。
Effect of Horizontal Resolution of Raster DEM on Landform Information 栅格DEM的水平分辨率对地形信息的影响分析
The main parameters that effect horizontal resolution of migration imaging were identified as medium velocity, dominant frequency of seismic wavelet and aperture angle of migration processing. 结果表明,影响偏移成像水平分辨率的主要参数是介质速度、地震子波主频和偏移处理的孔径角。
Impacts of Horizontal Resolution and Topography on the Numerical Simulation of East Asian Precipitation 数值模式不同分辨率和地形对东亚降水模拟影响的试验
Seismic migration is a main tool to improve horizontal resolution of the deep seismic reflection data. 地震偏移是提高深部地震资料横向分辨率的主要手段。
Study and application of horizontal resolution have not been paid much attention compared to that of vertical resolution. 与垂直分辨力相比,关于水平分辨力的研究和应用尚未引起人们足够的重视。
In order to detect steep slope stratum and complex geological structures as well as hidden rock bodies, and improve horizontal resolution of seismic record, experiment and application of surface seismic tomography technology have been made. 为提高地震记录的横向分辨率,解决探测倾角较大的地层和复杂的地质构造及隐伏岩体等问题,在这里进行了地面地震层析技术的试验应用研究。
The effect of model horizontal resolution on quantitative precipitation forecast for Meiyu front torrential rainfall 模式水平分辨率对梅雨锋降水定量预报的影响
In this paper, an one-way nested limited area primitive equation model is used to study effects of horizontal resolution on cumulus parameterization. 利用一个有限区域嵌套细网格数值预报模式,设计了3种不同分辨率的模式网格,通过对一次降水过程的预报,检验了模式水平分辨率对积云对流参数化效果的影响。
Besides, because ultrasound imaging system in the imaging process, the spread of beam defocus of images is occurs vague problem, reduce the horizontal resolution of the ultrasound images, ultrasound image defocus conditions are also not very uniform phenomenon. 此外,由于在超声成像系统在成像的过程当中,声束的扩散使得图像会发生散焦模糊的问题,降低了超声图像的横向分辨率,超声图像也有散焦情况不是很均匀的现象。
This paper also discusses some relevant knowledge of spatial resolution, including horizontal resolution and vertical resolution, and their influence on experimental results. 同时本文讨论了空间分辨率的相关知识,包括横向分辨率和纵向分辨率,以及它们对于实验结果产生的影响。
Also discussed the issue on the resolution of seismic waves, through a variety of models of different sizes to verify the seismic waves on the vertical resolution of horizontal resolution and the theory of the first Fresnel zone deepened understanding of the theory. 同时讨论了关于地震波分辨率的问题,通过多种不同尺寸的模型,验证了关于地震波水平分辨率和纵向分辨率的理论,加深了对第一菲涅尔带理论的理解。
It is generally recognized that the vertical resolution is the tuning thickness "quarter wavelength", the horizontal resolution is the first Fresnel zone radius. 金属矿地震勘探中的分辨率分为垂直分辨率和水平分辨率,一般认为垂直分辨率为调谐厚度&四分之一波长,水平分辨率为第一菲涅尔带半径。
The horizontal resolution of TM mode is higher than TE mode and the shape of isoline about apparent resistivity section is not a true reflection of structure. TM模式的横向分辨能力高于TE模式,水平地形下的复杂地电结构的视电阻率断面图的等值线地形并不是真实构造的反映。
The result shows visibility analysis is more sensitive to DEM grid terrain heterogeneity. So DEM grid terrain heterogeneity should be considered when visibility analyses are performed on lower horizontal resolution DEM. 研究结果表明可视性分析对DEM栅格单元地形异质性比较敏感,在低分辨率的DEM上进行可视性分析时,应当充分考虑DEM栅格单元地形异质性的影响,以提高可视性分析结果的精度。